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Friday, 17 August 2012

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 4.0

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 4.0 for xp,vista, windows 7 free download full version

Before and after making any changes to your system and make sure.

It's about one month after Windows 8 Consume Preview being released. Finally, all the changes since Developer Preview are reviewed and implemented. This time I'm trying to unify both Transformation/UX Pack to have the same version to avoid confusion To make things clear again, UX Pack works similar to Transformation Pack but without system files modification and can be installed on Windows 7 only. Now Windows 8 Transformation Pack is safer and more reliable with improvements from Lion Transformation Pack and along with its feedback.

All detected bugs are now fixed along with better ways to handle transformation improved from Lion Transformation Pack. New resources are implemented in proper ways to use. Tray icons look nice now and new Windows branding inspired a few places to update. New Segoe fonts rock and existing font will be updated without trouble. It's available only for Windows 8 Transformation Pack though as UX Pack is promised to not modify anything at all. Charms Bar is now implemented for people who can't get full Immersive UI to work well. And best of all, there're a lot of visual changes that you shouldn't miss especially XP users will be in great joy.

Note: On April 11th, we propered 8TP/8UXP 4.0 releases, read changelogs in product pages.


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