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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Call Of Duty 3

Call of duty 3 game full version free download 

I am a huge fan of world war 2 first person shooters. I've been with the genre since the begining of medal of honor. since then, not too much has been more impresive to me than call of duty. It was a wonderfual game and still is. Call of Duty 2 was even better. Does this new game maintain the stellar streak the series is on? in a word, yes. Although, it is alot more of the same. But then again, why mess with a great formula? Call of Duty 3 works because it is exactly what the original game was built around, sheer intensity....and also alot of fun. But then you might say, well i've played COD2, are you saying its the same? Yes and No. The basic mechanics are the same and the few newly added gameplay elements do little to nothing for the overall game so in escense. Yea, its the same game. But this time around the levels are bigger and look o so much prettier. Honestly, these are some of the most amazing visuals on the xbox 360. I dare say it puts my beloved COD2 to near shame. The lighting and texturing is beautiful and the explosions are heart stopping to behold. The life like graphics are complimented by a brilliant musical score. Oh, and if anyone should wonder about the ingame soundeffects, just pop in a previous call of duty game and imagine it amped up even more. Seriously, the battlechatter has never been so nicely integrated. COD3 is yet another amazing world war 2 game that will certainly keep veterans of the genre happy and content, meaning on the edge of your seat. The newly implimented rag doll physics and destructable enviroments will make sure you stay there too. I reccomend this game to anyone and everyone who has played a world war two first person shooter and enjoyed it because what we have here ladies and gentelmen is the latest and greatest, the best that money can buy.


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